Why infographics rock!

Oct 12, 2015




1. Science backs up why people love infographics.
We humans like things to be easy—some might call it trifling, while others say that it’s ingenious. Visual content is quicker for the brain. In fact, it’s eons faster for our brains to process an image in comparison to plain text. It’s an incontrovertible truth that people prefer absorbing information in ways that is simple to understand.

90 percent of information that is transmitted to brain is visual, so our brains are extremely efficient at comprehending visual cues. Moreover, when things are easy to understand, they’re easy to share as well. Infographics drive more data than almost any other content—and data and comprehension of that data lead to better understanding!

2. Visual content marketing is insightful—the numbers don’t lie!
Fun Fact! Infographics are 25 times more likely to be read through as compared to text. This essentially means that you have a sure-shot way of not only captivating your target audience’s attention, but also retaining it until they’ve understood what you want them to about your brand. As Bob Shneiderman once said, “The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures.”

Your audience might think that they’re looking at a fancy picture, but infographics are actually a sneaky way of hitting them with a proper narrative that says exactly what you want it to about your brand.

People go bonkers for graphics, and when you tie in relevant information, everybody wins.

3. Infographics are easy to personalize.
Custom content is a good way to flex your muscles if your main aim is to market a particular product. It’s a killer way to prove that your brand is a proper influencer and shows that you have the resources to make and not just take.

When you write a blog post, you always run the risk of someone simply copy/pasting/reposting your efforts as their own. Not so with infographics. If you include your brand’s logo on the infographic itself, it can’t be separated from your brand without a proper Photoshop edit—so every share will lead potential clients right back to you.

Creating custom infographics is also a really savvy way to market to a wide range of audience. Businesses that produce content in multiple forms have higher chances of hooking clients and then reeling them in with a sale.

4. Infographics go viral.
Infographics go viral faster and better than plain text, that’s for sure. You can improve your chances of your infographic making the rounds online by doing a few things:
Make it embeddable by placing social sharing buttons on the page that hosts it. (Remember: We like it easy!)

Post it on social media yourself. Graphics do really well on pinterest, and it’s likely that your post will reach the right audiences. Also pull facts from the infographic and use them as tweets with a link to the full graphic. Release one every few hours, then rinse and repeat a few days later. Do the same on Facebook and Google+ but with more time between posts.
Submit your infographic to directories like Visual.ly, Daily Infographics, Infographic Journal, Infographics Archive, and I Love Charts.

Manually reach out to any influencers who might share your infographic, like popular bloggers on similar subject matter. This is a numbers game, so don’t be shy about contacting a bunch of people!

Post by imone

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